Thursday, July 11, 2013

Update on The Pain Project.

Hello, my dear friends! I am very sorry for the lack of posts about this project, but like I previously stated: I'm horrible at blogging!! I just wanted to give you guys a little update on the progress of the project. I have successfully finished the introduction and an interview. I am currently finishing my first interview's paragraph (while listening to Pandora and trying to edit wedding photos), it is going quite smoothly! I want to put my whole heart into the project and that contributes to the lengthy waiting time. I'm trying to fit a lot on my plate right now, so I need to get everything cleared out before I can truly devote time to this project and make it something of substance.
     I recently got back from vacation that I did NO photo editing on (big step for Karis! Please hold your applause), so that would be why I have so much to do right now. But it's also why I'm so refreshed and renewed. I got the week to just rest in God's beautiful creation with people that I love (I'll post some photos below of my North Carolinian experience). But no sooner that I'm back, I am leaving very soon again! I'm hopping on a plane the 31st of July to Florida (BY MYSELF, AHHH!). There, I'll be getting another interview completed and more writing accomplished, all while soaking up the sun. I'm so very excited to be getting stuff done but encouragement is also welcome as there is a lot going on for me right now. Alright, I'm done babbling. I'll post again soon (no promises). And keep in touch my friends, more ideas, more personal quotes, more real-life stories! I've been so encouraged by all of your responses. I appreciate you all!
Warmly, Karis

And one of my best friend and I (I couldn't help myself):